This year, C.H. Dean, Inc.’s employees were able to participate in the Dayton Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work.” Being selected as 1 of 15 winners is a great honor for the company. With many new partnerships and alliances being formed within the past year, this truly is a testament to what C.H. Dean has been doing and illustrates the true “Dean Difference”.
During the event, C.H. Dean President Steve Miller was asked to share a few words in regards to the event and what it means to its employees. The following is an excerpt of his remarks…
“First I would like to thank the Dayton Business Journal for putting together the “Best Places to Work” event. Secondly, I would like to congratulate all current year and prior winners of this prestigious award. We are humbled to just be a part of this event. Finally, I would like to thank all the employees of C.H. Dean, Inc. because you are the ones that won this award and this is all about you. Thank you so very much for truly making Dean the Best Place to Work.”
-Steve Miller, President