C.H. Dean is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership that will enhance our retirement benefit administration capabilities and give our Defined Contribution (“DC”) clients access to additional expertise. The partnership with The Howard E. Nyhart Company, Incorporated (“Nyhart”), a national employee benefits consulting, actuarial and administration firm, will provide the clients of C.H. Dean with quality, independent third party administration for their 401(k), 403(b) or 457 plans while the advisors of C.H. Dean can continue to guide their investment and retirement plan strategies.
Headquartered in Indianapolis, Nyhart has offices in Chicago, Kansas City and Atlanta serving more than 1,000 clients in 48 states.
In seeking a partnership, C.H. Dean selected Nyhart for their 68 years of experience and their track record of high-standard-of-service we expect for you as our client. Nyhart currently administers nearly 800 DC plans throughout the United States and is versed in compliance and technology that will help ensure your plan meets or exceeds your firm’s needs. C.H. Dean will continue to provide the direct support for you and your plan’s participants on any issues related with your plan.
Nyhart was founded in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1943 as a family-owned and operated business. Steady growth, a strong reputation for service and a variety of talented team members grew the business steadily. In 1979, an employee stock ownership plan was established and today they are a 100% employee-owned firm.
This ownership gives each employee a vested interest in client satisfaction. As a company, they are committed to exceeding expectations and delivering the most accurate and timely services possible.
Nyhart employs a team of 85 professionals with the skills, knowledge and experience essential to providing outstanding service to C.H. Dean clients. In addition to DC Plan Administration, they also provide services to the following plan types:
• Cash Balance Pension
• Traditional Defined Benefit
• Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
• Flexible Spending Accounts – FSA, HRA & HSA
• Healthcare Actuarial & GASB 43/45
• Human Resources Consulting
Nyhart employes a 4 member legal support team, including two ERISA attorney’s, to assist with regulatory and compliance issues. In addition, Nyhart has recently opened up a new office in St. Louis.
Have Questions About this Partnership?
Your business is important to us and we want to ensure you have the high quality services delivered to your defined contribution plan. We are excited to add Nyhart’s expertise to our own. If you have any questions regarding the transition to Nyhart as the third party plan administrator, please don’t hesitate to contact your C.H. Dean, Inc. consultant at 937-222-9531 X 1239